Episode 19: The Great Solar Flash (GAM 2)

This is the second in my series Deconstructing the Great Awakening Map! This episode will focus mainly on the “Great Solar Flash” and the “Optimal Timeline Reality.”

Awakened Exchanges Telegram Channel
Great Awakening Map - Hi-Res
Great Solar Flash Map
Schumann Resonance N.I.H. Page
Scientific American Article on Vibration
Kali Yuga Article
Israeli Space Minister - NBC News
Intro - 00:15
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Episode - 7:57

Welcome back to Awakened Exchanges! I’m your host Jay Rich and you’re listening to the second in my series Deconstructing the Great Awakening Map. This is going to be a solo episode, so no real exchange except between you and I. That said, I’m truly grateful to be here speaking with you today as we take a deep dive on this strange and compelling web artifact.

I’m very grateful that you seemed to enjoy the last episode on the Map, the response was amazing! This episode, by far, has the most links up to this point, so I hope you stop by and take a look. On this episode, we’ll be focusing on the Great Solar Flash and the Optimal Timeline Reality concepts. Remember, if you go search the online archives, you’ll find a lot of images out there as the Map was revised a number of times, the one on my website is the one I’ll be referencing. I said this last week, but no matter which version you’re talking about, I don’t believe that the Map was intentionally created to promote hatred and misinformation, but you have to be able to actually look at it with a little Guile. Let’s not focus on deplatforming these ideas, but rather discussing them logically and as deeply as people need to, in order to process the facts and separate them from the possible or fictional. And remember, even Alex Jones has denounced Q-Anon at this point and none of their so-called “predictions,” ever came true. Let’s keep that in mind when we decide how to weigh their conspiracy theories.

I think I’ll keep the intro brief today, but I want to mention my twitter account and my current pinned thread. The response was pretty quick last time, and I think people are liking the threads. Since I think the visuals are helpful, I’ve decided to collect them on a Telegram Channel in case you want to check them out. I know that Clubhouse is the current craze, but it doesn’t seem like the medium to share this kind of stuff on. You can still find the threads in my twitter feed as well, but I’ll be open for exchanges with all of you via my Telegram Channel. The link is in the show notes, as well as on the website, and I hope to see you there!


Episode 20: The Solar System (GAM 3)


Episode 18: The Great Awakening Map - Introduction (GAM 1)