Episode 21: Buddhist Terminology (GAM 4)

This is the fourth in my series Deconstructing the Great Awakening Map! The next couple of episodes will focus mainly on the two sections that deal with consciousness, meditation, and psychedelics. This one will mostly cover the Buddhist terminology found on the map.

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Great Awakening Map - Hi-Res

Great Awakening Map - Highlighted Version

12 Laws of Karma

Intro - 00:15
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Episode - 8:00

Welcome back to Awakened Exchanges! I’m your host Jay Rich and you’re listening to the fourth in my series Deconstructing the Great Awakening Map. Unlike the others in this series so far, I will have special guests joining me to talk about this week’s section of the map. As always, I’m truly grateful to be here speaking with you and I hope you’re continuing to enjoy as we take our deep dive on this strange and compelling web artifact. You can always email about other interesting topics and guests, you can use the contact form on our website or contact me on twitter @AwakenExchanges. I’ll keep bringing you the content that you ask for, and am always grateful that you keep asking!

I’m recording this intro on Monday as I try to get this episode uploaded in time for tomorrow. As suspected, the amount of material I attempted to group together in these two sections was way too much. The TINY font that 5D uses in some of his sections means that once I outline it and cover all of the phrases he uses, it turns into hours and hours of information, and that’s if I just read it to you boringly. I’ve tried to keep things interesting as I read these by myself, give you relevant info as well as some humor and good intentions, but I have to admit that things seemed more entertaining to me with the co-hosts this week. It definitely slowed down actual progress on breaking down the map, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it just as much. I’m including the fully separated and highlighted GAM in our show notes, and this week’s pinned Twitter thread, which, again, is also available on our Telegram channel. On top of seeing how I broke up the entire map, I’ll include a picture showing the two sections that I merged for the Metaphysical sections, so maybe you can make sense of some of my madness.  I’ve already given the disclaimers that we’re talking about a lot of conspiracy theories in this series, and I want to add that we’ll be talking about more religious speculation and subjective experiences in today’s episode, so let’s keep that in mind and give the cultures the respect they deserve. Most of this episode will be focused on the Buddhist terms in this section.


Episode 22: Sacred Geometry & Hinduism (GAM 5)


Episode 20: The Solar System (GAM 3)